Launching Horizon Desktops with Deny Access Policy Rule

In the previous exercise you created a new network range for the corporate network, and a new policy to deny access for a specific Horizon resource when accessed from this network.

In this section you will authenticate to Workspace ONE as an end user, and attempt to launch the Horizon Desktop pool.

You should already have Chrome open with a tab to VMware Workspace ONE. If so, you can skip the next couple of steps and proceed to Authenticate to Workspace ONE as an End User.

Launch Chrome Browser

  1. From the Desktop of the Main Console, double-click Google Chrome
  1. Select WS1 from the Chrome bookmarks bar
  2. Select VIDM-01 Admin

Verify Domain

  1. Verify the domain selected is corp.local
  2. Select Next

Authenticate to Workspace ONE as an End User

  1. username = user1mod1
  2. password = VMware1!
  3. Select Sign in

Launch App

  1. Select Open

Access Denied Due to Policy

  1. Select OK

This time the Horizon Desktop can not be opened due to the deny rule you created in the previous exercise.



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