Troubleshooting Horizon 7 Client

You can solve most Horizon Client problems by restarting or resetting remote desktops or published applications, or by reinstalling Horizon Client.  

There is a desktop pool setting when you create or edit a desktop pool where you can set to allow users to restart/reset their machines. It is not set in this lab so we will reset as the administrator from the Horizon Console.

You can also enable log collection and send log files to VMware for troubleshooting.

Open VMware Horizon Client

From the Main Console desktop click on the VMware Horizon Client to open it.

Login in to Connection Server

Open the horizon-01.corp.local connection server

Login to Horizon-01

  1. User name: user1mod1
  2. Password: VMware1!
  3. Click on Login

Open Desktop

Double-Click on Instant Clone Pool to open up the Desktop.

Take Desktop out of Full Screen

Confirm VM name

Confirm the VM name displayed on the desktop.

Horizon Console

Click back on the Horizon Console tab to access the Horizon Console

Machines in Inventory

  1. Under Inventory, click on Machines
  2. Click on the WIN10IC-# VM where # is the desktop you are logged into

Desktop VM

You can perform a restart operation on a virtual desktop, which performs a graceful operating system restart of the virtual machine. You can perform a reset operation on a virtual machine without the graceful operating system restart, which performs a hard power-off and power-on of the virtual machine.

Click on Restart Desktop to perform a graceful OS restart of the VM.

Restart VM


We will Restart the Desktop, click OK.

Desktop Connection Lost

The connection you had open to the Desktop VM closes as the VM goes through a graceful shutdown.

VM Restarting

Notice the status of the VM is at a state of either deleting or not present but it is no longer connected since we restarted it.  


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