Set a CSP with the VMware Policy Builder

We will now use the VMware Policy Builder to create and push custom policy to our Windows 10 device.  

1. Create a custom CSP for Desktop Background

We will now use the Personalization CSP in order to set the desktop background on your Windows 10 system over the air.  This is something that is routinely done through traditional group policy management.  

Do the following to find and create a policy from the Personalization CSP

  1. Click the CSPs tab.
  2. Make sure the CSP Baseline is set to Windows 10, 1709.   This is the operating system of our Windows 10 virtual machine in this lab.
  3. Enter person in the filter box, to filter on the Personalization CSP.
  4. Click the Check-Box next to Personalization to select this CSP for configuration.
  5. Click the Configure button to start the process of creating a custom policy from this CSP.

1.1. Review the Configure Page

  1. Click the Expand All button to expand all of the settings as defined in the DDF file for the CSP.
  2. Click the Collapse All button to collapse all of the settings as defined in the DDF file for the CSP.
  3. Click the Reset Form button to reset any settings you have made on the page.
  4. This is where you enter the configuration parameters.  
  5. The SyncML is dynamically generated here when you enter configuration data.
  6. The Copy button will save any generated SyncML to the clipboard so it can be pasted into a profile in the Workspace ONE UEM Console.  

1.2. Configure CSP and copy the generated SyncML

  1. Click Expand All if the options are collapsed.
  2. Enter c:\hol\vmware.jpg in the Desktop Image Url section.
  3. Notice the SyncML is generated for you dynamically including the configuration data you entered.
  4. Click the Copy button to copy the SyncML.  We will paste this into the Workspace ONE UEM Console in the following steps.

2. Create Windows 10 Profile in Workspace ONE UEM

We will now create a custom device profile for Windows 10 containing the SyncML we just generated.  We will push it down to our Windows 10 system and then verify the settings applied on the device.  

2.1. Add Device Profile for Desktop Background in Workspace ONE UEM

In the Workspace ONE UEM console,

  1. Click Devices.
  2. Select Profiles.
  3. Select Add.
  4. Select Add Profile.

2.2. Select the Windows Platform

Click Windows.

2.3. Select the Windows Desktop Device Type

Click Windows Desktop.

2.4. Select the Context

Click Device Profile.

2.5. Enter the General Payload Details

  1. Click the General payload tab.
  2. Enter Background Image as the name of the Profile.
  3. Select the All Devices ([email protected]) group for the Assigned Groups.

2.6. Add the Custom Settings Payload

  1. Scroll down to the bottom on the left pane.
  2. Click the Custom Settings payload tab.
  3. Click Configure

2.7. Configure the Custom Settings Payload

  1. Right-click within the Custom Settings textbox and click Paste to paste the SyncML you copied earlier.
  2. Ensure the SynML pasted successfully.
  3. Click Save & Publish.

2.8. Confirm Device Assignment and Publish

  1. Review the device assignment.  Your Windows 10 device you recently enrolled into Workspace ONE should be listed.
  2. Click Publish to push the CSP down to your Windows 10 device.

3. Validate the CSP Profile was Installed

Double-Click the Win10-01a.rdp file on the desktop to reconnect to the Windows 10 virtual machine to validate the CSP Profile.

3.1. Review the Desktop Background

Notice that the desktop background is now set to a VMware logo.   This was configured via the Personalization CSP and pushed to your Windows 10 device with Workspace ONE UEM.

NOTE - You will see this change as soon as the device checks in with Workspace ONE UEM and the profile is installed.  If you do not see the change immediately, try closing the Remote Desktop Connection session to the win10-01a virtual machine and re-connecting.


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