Experience Mobile Flows in action

in this section, we are going to see how to Mobile Flows enhances the functionality of VMware Boxer. We have already deployed the app with Application Configuration to enable Mobile Flows. The client framework is responsible to parse the email body for the keyword and it will trigger the Workspace ONE App Discovery Connector.

1. Launch VMware Boxer

Tap on the icon to launch VMware Boxer.

2. Accept the Privacy Prompt

Tap I understand to accept the Privacy prompt.

2.1. Agree to the Data Sharing Prompt

Tap I agree to accept the Data Sharing Prompt

3. Enter the password for the email account

  1. Enter VMware1! for the password.
  2. Click Get Started.

4. Accept the Boxer Prompts

You might see several prompts for permissions and push notifications for Boxer.  Click OK or Allow as necessary.

5. Enable Mobile Flows in Settings

From the bottom right corner, tap on the option Settings

5.1. Tap Advanced

  1. Scroll down until you see the MORE section.
  2. Tap on Advanced.

5.2. Tap on Mobile Flows

Under ENABLED FEATURES, tap on Mobile Flows

5.3. Enable Mobile Flows

Enable Mobile Flows using the slider.

5.4. Select the HOL domain

  1. Select hol for the domain.
  2. Tap Next

5.5. Enter Credentials

  1. Enter Your sAMAccountName from the Mailbox Details text file you downloaded when retrieving your Exchange Account Details.
  2. Enter VMware1! for the password.
  3. Tap Sign in.

5.6. Validate that Mobile Flows and Connector are enabled

Validate that Mobile Flows and Workspace ONE App Discovery are enabled.

6. Tap on Mail

From the bottom toolbar, tap on option Mail to return to the Inbox

7. Compose a new email

Tap the icon to compose a new email.

7.1. Populate Email

From the previous section, recall that our configuration file maps the keyword Travel to the application Coupa. You will compose an email to your provided exchange account with the Subject and email body containing this keyword so that the Hero Card is prompted when you view the email.

  1. Enter your email address in the address field.  This is the email address you enrolled with and is available in Mailbox Details text file you downloaded from the Workspace ONE UEM Console.
  2. Enter subject as Travel.
  3. Enter body as Travel.
  4. Tap on the icon to send the email.

8. Validate the Hero Card

  1. If the email does not display, you may need to swipe down to refresh your inbox.
  2. Tap the email you sent to yourself, if it is not already selected.
  3. After about 10 seconds, validate that the Hero Card pops up to prompt to install the Coupa app.
  4. Tap Install to proceed with the installation.

9. Accept the prompt for Application Installation

Click Install to proceed with the installation of the Coupa app.

10. Validate the App Installation

Press the home button of the iOS Device to return to the Spring Board. Validate that the Coupa application is installed as initiated from the Hero Card within the Boxer email.