Navigate to the VMware Identity Manager Admin Console

Launch Chrome Browser

Double-click the Chrome Browser on the lab desktop.

  1. Click Options.
  2. Click New tab.
  3. Enter https://vidm-01a.corp.local and press ENTER.

Remember that you installed the VMware Identity Manager service with the hostname as vidm-01a.corp.local.  This is where your users will navigate to in order to access to administration console.

2. Login to the VMware Identity Manager Administration Console

  1. Enter admin for the Username.
  2. Enter VMware1! for the Password.
  3. Click Sign in.

These are the administrator credentials you created during the VMware Identity Manager service installation.

3. Confirm Authentication was Successful

If the VMware Identity Manager Administration Console loads as shown above, then you were able to authenticate successfully.  You will be returning to the Administration Console in later steps for additional configuration.