View the Certificate on the Device

You can now confirm the certificate was issued and installed on the device. When you enrolled your device, the profile containing a certificate from the CONTROLCENTER-CA will be pushed down to your device. The speed at which the profile is installed on the device is dependent on many variables outside of the control of AirWatch. The profile with the certificate may arrive in few seconds or it may take a few minutes. We will go look in the settings for the certificate

Navigate to Settings on the iOS device.

On the iOS device, return to the launchpad by pressing the home button then select the Settings icon to open the menu.

2. Validate the Certificate is Pushed to the Device

Validate the Certificate is Pushed to the Device
  1. Tap to select General settings in the left column.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the general menu and tap Device Management - AirWatchMDM/V_6 in the right side of the window. Here you will see details of the configuration information which has been pushed to the device.

3. Select Workspace Services

Select Workspace Services

Select AirWatchMDM/V_6

4. Select More Details

Select More Details

Select More Details to view additional configuration.

5. Select the MDM Profile

Select the MDM Profile

Look for the Certificates section in this menu. What is seen on your screen may differ from the image above depending on your lab configuration. You should see a certificate issued to your AD user named imauser that has been issued form the CONTROLCENTER-CA that we previously integrated into AirWatch. This certificate can be used in conjunction with Email, Wi-Fi or VPN profiles. Certificates can also be used to authenticate to web resources or content repositories as well. You may select the certificate to view more details. When you are ready, continue to the next step.

6. Wrap Up

This concludes configuring AirWatch to be used with an Enterprise Active Directory and Enterprise Certificate Authority for providing a single point of authentication and security using internal Enterprise security settings to ensure corporate data security is maintained even on end user personal devices. Please continue with the next steps to complete the module.