Directory Services Integration

In this chapter, you will setup Active Directory Services to work with AirWatch MDM.  If you haven't yet opened the console, please do so now by following the instructions in "Login to the AirWatch Console".

1. Open All Settings

Open All Settings
  1. Click the Groups & Settings button on the left menu.
  2. Click the All Settings button from the middle menu.

2. Selecting Directory Services

Selecting Directory Services
  1. Click the System section to expand the section.
  2. Click the Enterprise Integration dropdown section.
  3. Click the Directory Services button.
  4. Click the Skip wizard and configure manually link.

3. Server Setup

Server Setup

Configure the Server section of Directory Services as follows:

  1. Confirm that the Server tab is selected.
  2. Enter "controlcenter.corp.local" in the Server box.
  3. Confirm that the Encryption Type is set to None.
  4. Scroll down to continue configuring the Server section.

4. Server Setup (continued)

Server Setup (continued)
  1. Enter "389" for the Port field.
  2. Enter "3" for the Protocol Version field.
  3. Select GSS-NEGOTIATE for the Bind Authentication Type.  NOTE - You may need to scroll to the right to see this option.
  4. Enter "corp\administrator" for the Bind Username field.
  5. Enter "VMware1!" for the Bind Password field.
  6. Enter "corp.local" in the Domain field.

5. User Setup

User Setup

Configure the User section of Directory Services as follows:

  1. If necessary, scroll back to the top of the menu where the Server, User, and Group tabs are.
  2. Click the User tab.
  3. Enter "dc=corp,dc=local" for the Base DN box.

6. Group Setup

Group Setup

Configure the Group section of Directory Services as follows:

  1. Click the Group tab.
  2. Enter "dc=corp,dc=local" for the Base DN field.

7. Save Directory Services Configuration

  1. Scroll down to find the Save button if it is not visible on your screen.
  2. Click Save.

8. Confirm Directory Services Saved Successfully

Confirm Directory Services Saved Successfully

After the Saving loading wheel finishes, you should see the Saved Successfully confirmation appear.

9. Test Directory Services Connection

Test Directory Services Connection
  1. Scroll down to the bottom of the Group section again.
  2. Click the Test Connection button.
  3. Confirm that the Connection successful with the given Servername, Bind Username and Password message is displayed.

10. Close Directory Services

Click the Close (X) button in the top-right corner.