Add AirWatch App deployment plugin to Jenkins

In this section, we are going to add the AirWatch App Deployment plugin to our Jenkins server. This plugin is hosted on AirWatch Resource portal under the section Developer Tools and anyone with a valid myAirWatch ID can download this plugin. In order to limit the scope for this lab, we have already downloaded this plugin for you.


1. Open Chrome Browser

Double click on Google Chrome icon on the desktop to launch.

  1. As you launch Chrome, you will see the default home page as AirWatch admin console URL. Click to open a new tab.
  2. Select the bookmark Jenkins.
  3. Enter user as "jenkinsadmin".
  4. Enter password as "VMware1!".
  5. Click on log in.
  1. Click Manage Jenkins.
  2. Click Manage Plugins.

4. Plugin Manager Advanced Settings

Click the Advanced tab.

NOTE - If you see any prompts for updates available for plugin, then ignore them for this lab.

  1. Scroll down until you see the section Upload Plugin.
  2. Click on Choose File.

6. Select Jenkins Plugin File

  1. Click on Documents.
  2. Click on HOL.
  3. Select the Jenkins folder.
  4. Select the file JenkinsAirWatch.hpi.
  5. Click Open.

7. Upload Jenkins Plugin File

  1. Ensure that you have selected JenkinsAirWatch.hpi
  2. Click on Upload.

8. Install Plugin and Restart Jenkins

NOTE - The plugin may take a minute or two to install, please wait until the installation process has finished before continuing.

  1. Click to ENABLE AUTO REFRESH if not enabled already.
  2. Check the box to Restart Jenkins.  
  3. After successful installation of the plugin, you should see a Success status for seamlessdeploymentofairwatchapp.

Please wait while the Restarting Jenkins task begins.  This should take less than a minute.

9. Wait While Jenkins Restarts

Once the Restart task has been started, your browser will refresh and you will see a restarting screen while this processes.  Please wait while Jenkins restarts, you will be automatically taken back to the Jenkins login page once this completes.

10. Login to Jenkins After the Restart

Login using same credentials as before:

  1. Enter user as "jenkinsadmin".
  2. Enter password as "VMware1!".
  3. Click on log in.

11. Return to the Manage Plugins Page

Click on Manage Plugins.

12. Enable the Plugin

  1. Click the Installed tab.
  2. Click the checkbox under the Enabled column for the AirWatch Jenkins Plugin for App Deployment.

13. Restart Jenkins After Enabling the Plugin

  1. Scroll down to the bottom of the Installed section.
  2. Click Restart Once No Jobs Are Running.

14. Wait While Jenkins Prepares to Shutdown

You will see a status bar update that states Jenkins is going to shut down.  Please wait while Jenkins finalizes any jobs and shuts down, you will not need to take any further actions at this time.

NOTE - This task should complete within a minute.

15. Wait While Jenkins Restarts

Please wait while Jenkins restarts, you will be automatically taken back to the Jenkins login page once this completes.

16. Login to Jenkins After the Restart

Login using same credentials as before:

  1. Enter user as "jenkinsadmin".
  2. Enter password as "VMware1!".
  3. Click on log in.