Testing Safari Domains with Per App Tunnel

Now that the VPN profile is updated to include the domain tested in the first example in the Safari Domains list, we can confirm these settings have updated on the device and test in the native Safari application.

1. Confirm the VPN Configuration Has Updated

This section will walk-through how to confirm that the VPN configuration has successfully updated on your device.

1.1. Open Device Settings

Open Device Settings

Tap Settings.

1.2. Open VPN Settings

Open VPN Settings
  1. Tap General.
  2. Scroll down to find the VPN section.
  3. Tap VPN.

1.3. Select Your VPN Configuration

Select Your VPN Configuration
  1. Tap VPN Configuration #XXXXXX from your Per-App VPN profile.

1.4. View Included Per-App VPN Apps

View Included Per-App VPN Apps

Note all managed applications from the AirWatch console enabled to use Per-App VPN and domains listed in Safari Domains in the VPN profile will appear in this list.

Whitelisting a domain in the Safari Domains list will initiate a VPN connection on demand whenever the user browses to a site within this domain

NOTE - Wildcards are not required when whitelisting a Safari Domain. The entire domain will automatically be whitelisted for VPN On Demand when added to VPN profile.

2. Attempt to Access the Website From Safari

We will now show that browsing to a site in the domain added to the "Safari Domains" list will initiate a VPN connection.

2.1. Open Safari

Open Safari

Return to the launchpad by pressing the Home button on the iPad. Open Safari by selecting the icon form the Launcher. The VPN icon should not be displayed in the toolbar.

2.2. Paste the URL Into the Safari Browser

Paste the URL Into the Safari Browser
  1. Open a new tab by selecting the + sign on the navigation bar.
  2. Select the entry box on the navigation bar.
  3. Press & hold for a count of two then release on the entry box and select Paste or type "internal.airwlab.com"
  4. Select Go on the keyboard.

2.3. Browse to the Internal Webpage

Browse to http://internal.airwlab.com

Notice that the website now loads in the Safari browser after the VPN profile is updated to include airwlab.com in the Safari Domains list, whitelisting the domain for Per App VPN. The website is published to an internal DNS that can only be accessed when the VPN connection is being used.